try to make some money?

search something?


Jan 13, 2005


almost in tears when the picture bumped out
surprising, 思念

12345 almost 6 months
purposive oblivion + gradual change
it's like you walk east and i walk west
getting futther and further

a poor person with poor self-esteem from a poor country
falls in love with
a calm person without a heart from a prosperous country

HUG ME when u see me next time

Jan 4, 2005

happy old year

thinking fondly of my 2004

1 January
5 January
16 January
5-8 March
21 March
8 April
17 April
23 April
25 April
1 May
8-12 May
14 May
18-19 June
20 May
21 May
22 May
26 May
29 May
6 June
26 June
21 July
22 July
23 July
21-22 August
12-21 September
15-17 October
6-8 November
27 November
25 December
26 December
27 December
31 December

all in my diary and my mind

who is going to fill up my next diary?

happy old year
yes, it is